Welcome to David Hight’s Websitedavid-pic

We are pleased to announce the launch of this celebrity site belonging to David Hight.  This is the place you will find movie credits, television series, and more news about where you can see David Hight.

We encourage comments and feedback.  Please, however, use appropriateness and respect when commenting.  All comments will be moderated.

This website also links to movies and other promotional material featuring David Hight.  You can search this website for deals and sales on DVDs, Netflix memberships and more. Be sure to connect with David through Facebook and stay tuned to this website for additional news and updates.

David’s career has been built fan by fan and he would not trade that relationship for all the money and fame in the world.  He would not be where he is right now if it was not for you, so thank you for being the most awesome fans David could ever hope to have.